Printable Sand Rec Recycled Nylon
Printable Sand Rec Recycled Nylon
- 80% Recycled Nylon, 20% Creora® HighClo™ Spandex
- 58/60″
- 175GSM
Material Use:
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Sand Rec Recycled Nylon is the perfect combination between lightweight, perfect fit, and sustainability. This fabric is an excellent choice for your fashion beachwear or swimwear collections.
Want to find a print? Check out our Trend Print Library for thousands of print options. You can also submit your own artwork to print for a custom fabric print for your next collection!
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SKU: LRB1245C1
Categories: Base Cloth Options, Production Nylon Base Cloths, Recycled Base Cloths, Recycled Fabric
Tags: Global Recycled Standard, Performance Wear, Recycled, Solid