Dusty Rose Heathered Dharma Spandex
TTS0572 | 489.50 yards available
- 88% Cationic Polyester, 12% Spandex
- 58/60″
- 310GSM
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Our Dusty Rose Heathered Dharma Spandex is durable, with a soft hand, moisture-wicking treatment, fast recovery, and great stretch. This fashion-forward color has cationic yarns to create vibrant colors, an ultra-soft hand with excellent moisture-wicking management. These high-performing qualities are certified with OEKO-TEX to make this fabric perfect for yoga apparel, leggings, or any activewear garment with no added chemicals.
Want to find a print? Check out our Polyester Digital Print Library, Polyester Sublimation Library, or Trend Print Library for thousands of print options. You can also submit your own artwork to print for a custom fabric print for your next collection!
Call us now at 844-827-4206 to order!