Day 5-
Our 3rd day inTaipeistarted out with a rude awaking at around 7 in the morning with a 5.6 earthquake. As the buildings are meant to withstand them, they tend to rock like crazy, so as I was lying in bed on the 8th floor I wondered if I was dreaming or if I should I run for a doorway. After the rocking stopped I thought it was a good time to start the day since I was wide awake.
Our first meeting was with one of our customer’s manufacturers, where we discussed in detail ways to improve our stretch fabric quality control. Specializing in the stretch and ensuring the highest quality stretch fabrics requires several QC centers to be in place. We take our fabric seriously!
After our meetings came to a close, it was time for a much needed hair cut. What better place thanTaipei, where you can get a cut for $6? Attached are a few pics 🙂
We visited the Taipei 101 which is the 4th tallest building in the world! We were glad we were not inside visiting this building during the earth quake! The views from the top were amazing!!!

We also decided to explore a night market which was an adventure in itself. Wall to wall people packed in to narrow streets coupled with extreme heat and humidity made for an interesting evening. Various types of food carts line the streets selling countless appetizing and some rather unappetizing options. I stood in a long line for a fresh made bun filled with savory meats, onions and spices which was well worth the wait! Definitely bring an appetite when checking out the night market!